Registration Changes!

Thank you for registering online!  This helps everyone focus more time and resources on serving our children and families, and makes it easier and faster to get everyone checked in on service day.  We are excited to announce that we have made some changes to the online registration process to make it easier and faster as well:

For All Events:

  • Now instead of checking boxes and radio buttons and selecting from drop-down lists to make your selections, all you have to do is 'Click' or 'Touch' a gray box to change it to green:

For Sunday Forsyth and Saturday Dawson Events Only:

  • When registering for a service day involving family delivery, you will now choose the families you will be delivering to ahead of time while you're registering, instead of when you arrive for service day!  First, you will identify your drivers:

  • then you will choose the families each driver will deliver to using our online map:

  • Like delivering to the same families? Over time, our system will recognize families you have selected in the past and pre-select them for you.