Tangible Support

Tote Bags

  Click on a tote bag to see what goes in it.

You can support Meals By Grace in a least TWO WAYS through Amazon!

Make us your charity of record
Every time you start with smile.amazon.com, Amazon will contribute 0.5% of your purchase totals to Meals by Grace!
1.  Sign in to smile.amazon.com on your desktop or mobile phone browser. You do not need a separate account for AmazonSmile if you already have an Amazon.com account.

2.  If you have no charity designated, you will be prompted to choose one. Type "Fill Ministries" (the parent organization for Meals by Grace).

3.  If you have previously chosen a charity but would like your credits to go to Meals by Grace, hover over the orange Supporting prompt, select the option to Change and type in "Fill Ministries". Thank you!

Order food for the Meals by Grace Pantry through our Amazon Wish List
1.  Click here to view and order items from the Meals by Grace Wish List that will be delivered to a secure location 24/7

2.  Even better, choose the option to create a monthly delivery through Amazon Pantry! These regular deliveries of items that are hard to obtain through food pantries are like manna from heaven for us. We especially need canned meat and toilet paper! Thank you!